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Nomura predicts record gaming revenue in February

  • 2014-03-03


From:Macau Business


Nomura Securities forecasts that Macau’s gross gaming revenue this month will be between MOP36 billion (US$4.5 billion) and MOP36.5 billion, or 33 percent to 35 percent more than a year earlier, the Barron’s website reports.

The highest takings recorded in any one month wereMOP35.5 billion, in October.

Using data up to Sunday, the broker estimates that revenue from VIP gaming this month will be 26 percent to 29 percent higher than a year earlier and that revenue from mass-market table gaming will be 34 percent to 39 percent higher.

Nomura projects that the revenue figures for this month and last, taken together, will be 20 percent higher than a year earlier.


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