13 Most Overused Résumé Phrases
- 2012-02-15
Source From: MSN Careers
Throughout your career, you’ve accomplished many feats, exceeded several goals and mastered countless skills. Now you’re on yet another job hunt and you can’t remember a lick of any of it.
Such is the importance of keeping your reacutesumeacute up-to-date, whether you’re looking for a job or not. When you don’t, not only will you forget the important details that’ll help your reacutesumeacute stand out to employers, but in your rush to submit your application on time you’ll end up using the same words and phrases as everyone else– ruining your chances altogether.
Career experts always advise job seekers to avoid common reacutesumeacute mistakes, but one grave error often left out of the mix is the overuse of clicheacutes and vague phrases– and perhaps it’s the worst gaffe to commit.
quotIf a job seeker places overused phrases on his or her reacutesumeacute, the chances of standing out from other candidates are greatly diminished,quot says Kathy Sweeney, a certified professional reacutesumeacute writer for her company, The Write Resume. quotA reacutesumeacute is a marketing tool and should be utilized to distinguish the candidate from other people vying for the same position.quot
Details, details
From first glance at a candidate’s reacutesumeacute, employers want to see career progression: concrete accomplishments, any gaps in employment and potential growth within the employer’s company, says Sally Stetson, co-founder and principal with Salveson Stetson Group, an executive search firm. Because employers want to see significant accomplishments, rather than lists of job duties, job seekers must provide solid illustrations of their talent.
quotProviding specific examples may allow a potential employer to relate the applicant’s work experience to potential business needs within their company,quot Stetson says. quotThese examples will also demonstrate a business and results orientation.quot
When employers search for candidates in their databases, it’s based on quotexclusionquot rather than quotinclusion,quot Sweeney says. In other words, employers look for keywords as a way to narrow the applicants down the 10 or 20 most-qualified candidates. These chosen few are left standing only after others are weeded out.
But what some candidates think constitute keywords and phrases are actually vague generalities that show up on the majority of reacutesumeacutes.
quotKeywords are not ‘team player’ or ‘good communication skills,’quot Sweeney says. quotIf an employer searched for those phrases, they would receive about 1,000 reacutesumeacutes that would be considered ‘relevant’ to their search parameters.quot Instead, keywords are solid functions like quotsales,quot quotmarketingquot or quotbusiness development,quot she says.
Here are 13 clicheacutes Sweeney and Stetson see job seekers overuse on their reacutesumeacutes and how to rephrase each one into a strong example of your talent.
Clicheacute No. 1: quotStrong communication, customer service and organizational skills.quot
-LetSweeney rephrase that: Possess strong communication, customer service and organizational skills, which increased customer satisfaction from 85% to 98% and realized 100% on-time delivery of assigned projects.*
Clicheacute No. 2:quotIntroduced new products.quot
-Let Sweeney rephrase that: Developed, introduced and launched successful new products, which increased market share 3% and contributed $3 million to bottom-line profitability.*
Clicheacute No. 3: quotTrack record of success.quot
-Let Stetson rephrase that: Consistently surpassed sales goal by 10% or more each year.*
Clicheacute No. 4:quotPossess leadership, communication, motivational and inspirational skills.quot
-Let Sweeney rephrase that: Highly effective leadership, communication, motivational and inspirational skills, which led to 98% employee retention ratio and four out of six employees promoted into management positions.*
Clicheacute No. 5:quotExceeded all productivity goals for the department.quot
-Let Sweeney rephrase that: Exceeded established department productivity goals 16% through development / implementation of best practices to increase employee output, communication of corporate objectives and introduction of compensation plans to reward high-performing individuals.
Clicheacute No. 6:quotGo-to person.quot
-Let Stetson rephrase that: Selected by CEO for special customer service assignment that improved customer retention by 14%.*
Clicheacute No. 7:quotTeam player.quot
-Let Sweeney rephrase that: Possess strong commitment to team environment dynamics with the ability to contribute expertise and follow leadership directives at appropriate times.
Clicheacute No. 8:quotServed as company spokesperson.quot
-Let Sweeney rephrase that: Served as highly successful company spokesperson, which generated positive media relations, resulted in identification as an industry expert, and garnered coverage in business / industry publications, including The Wall Street Journal, Investor’s Business Daily and PC World.**
Clicheacute No. 9:quotPartner with others.quot
-Let Stetson rephrase that: Collaborated with key members of the finance and information technology departments to develop and implement a new sales tracking tool.
Clicheacute No. 10:quotSpoke with existing customers on a daily basis.quot
-Let Sweeney rephrase that: Successfully interacted with clients to generate repeat and referral business, which resulted in $1.5 million in new product orders.*
Clicheacute No. 11:quotExpert presenter, negotiator and businessperson.quot
-Let Sweeney rephrase that: Expert presenter, negotiator and businessperson able to forge solid relationships with customers, which improved sales 33% and increased customer base from 10 to 50 new clients.*
Clicheacute No. 12:quotManaged cross-functional teams.quot
-Let Sweeney rephrase that: Led diverse, cross-functional teams in the fulfillment of corporate productivity, quality and bottom-line objectives.
Clicheacute No. 13:quotResolved customer difficulties quickly and tactfully.quot
-Let Sweeney rephrase that: Honored with the quotCustomers Come Firstquot award for consistently resolving customer difficulties in an expedient and tactful manner.
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