
Isn’t that illegal? How to answer uncomfortable interview questions

2012-7-31 From:MSN Careers Keeping one’s cool when an interview chair turns into a hot seat [....
01/08/2012 閱讀全文

打工族適用勞基法 防雇主「三奧步」

2012-7-31 來源:RICH職場體驗網 打工族權益易遭侵害,青年勞動九五聯盟今天公布雇主違法三「奧步」,包括雇主常以「試用期」為藉口規避勞基法、片面制訂嚴苛扣薪罰則、要求支付高額制服費、保證金等...
01/08/2012 閱讀全文

Career advice for people who prefer texting over t...

01/08/2012 閱讀全文


01/08/2012 閱讀全文


30/07/2012 閱讀全文

An update to the classic interview questions

30/07/2012 閱讀全文

10 useless résumé words — and 10 eye-catchin...

29/07/2012 閱讀全文

工作能力靠專業 職場生存在情緒

29/07/2012 閱讀全文

Career boosters: 5 ways to set yourself apart

26/07/2012 閱讀全文


26/07/2012 閱讀全文