
Getting back up when your job gets you down

2011-11-09 Let’s face it: Even the most enthusiastic workers have moments when they dislike th...
09/11/2011 閱讀全文


2011-11-09 有的人一天到晚在公司忙得四腳朝天,有的人卻整日在辦公室裡閒來無事混日子。閆嶺提醒職場閒人們,要尋找走出當前職業困境的突破口,有三大策略可行:欲擺脫目前的混沌狀態,首先要找方向,即...
09/11/2011 閱讀全文

能屈能伸 職場的彈簧升職法則

08/11/2011 閱讀全文


08/11/2011 閱讀全文

How to get the most out of an interview

08/11/2011 閱讀全文

新工作讓你失望時 4招幫你掃清障礙

08/11/2011 閱讀全文

5 Fast Tips …to have your good work noticed!

08/11/2011 閱讀全文

How to answer, ‘Tell me a little about yours...

01/11/2011 閱讀全文


01/11/2011 閱讀全文

5 Things You Should Never Say to a Hiring Manager

27/10/2011 閱讀全文