
Tips for a stress-free start to your first job

2012-8-2 From:MSN Careers Worrying fails to accomplish anything, yet that doesn’t stop people ...
02/08/2012 閱讀全文


2012-8-2 來源:RICH職場體驗網 從事過的每一份工作,多少都存在著許多寶貴的經驗與資源,這些都是人生中值得學習的經驗,如果你每天能帶著一顆感恩的心去工作,相信工作的心情與態度,自然是愉快而積...
02/08/2012 閱讀全文

Isn’t that illegal? How to answer uncomforta...

01/08/2012 閱讀全文

打工族適用勞基法 防雇主「三奧步」

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Career advice for people who prefer texting over t...

01/08/2012 閱讀全文


01/08/2012 閱讀全文


30/07/2012 閱讀全文

An update to the classic interview questions

30/07/2012 閱讀全文

10 useless résumé words — and 10 eye-catchin...

29/07/2012 閱讀全文

工作能力靠專業 職場生存在情緒

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