
HR Seminar by FMBA, MSS Recruitment and hello-jobs.com

  • 2017-09-26

France Macau Business Association held a seminar on the “Enhance Your Influence & Negotiation Skills at Your Workplace” on 15th September, 2017 with
MSS Recruitment and hello-jobs.com. They invited Mark Cosgrove, Director of Training at Dale Carnegie Hong Kong & Macau to talk with participants which are managers and HR professionals in Macau.The seminar provided its participants with key information regarding negotiations, including its definition and model, as well as common negotiation mistakes, so that participants can learn more about how to negotiate with their customer.

MSS Recruitment Limited is incorporated in 2008 and have since grew to be the largest integrated HR Agency in Macau, providing HR services in Recruitment, Temp Staffing, Visa application, Payroll Outsourcing and HR Consultancy to businesses operating in Macau. MSS owns hello-jobs.com (highest traffic job portal in Macau) and hello-learning.com (only learning information portal in Macau).

由澳門法國商會主辦,全策顧問及哈囉好工網協辦之<加強你在職埸上的影響力與談判能力> 人力資源講座於9月15日假澳門文華東方酒店一樓海洋廳成功舉行。本次活動邀請戴爾卡內基培訓總監Mark Cosgrove主講,內容提及如何成何一個成功及有效的談判者,期望在職人士透過講座得到自我提升,加強自身在職埸上的競爭力,講座反應熱烈,吸引許多人力資源界別的專業人士參與。講座提及有關談判的定義及結構,以及常見的談判錯誤,參加者能學習如何向他們的客戶進行談判。
MSS招聘有限公司成立於2008年,並已發展成為澳門最大的綜合人力資源代理顧問公司,通過專業團隊為企業提供全面人力資源解決方案,包括獵頭服務、臨時及兼職人才招聘、辦理工作簽證、薪酬外判、人力資源諮詢。 MSS擁有hello-jobs.com(澳門訪問量最高的求職招聘網站)和hello-learning.com(澳門首個一站式教育培訓資訊入門網站)。